Thursday 26 March 2015

What kind of floor should you choose for your apartment?

Quite often, there is so much thought put into so many aspects while buying a house that some points such as floors, paint and utilities aren’t thought through properly. For instance, we just assume that going with some sort of tile is fine, we don’t think about things such as:
  • What are the options available?
  • I am making the right choice given the temperature and weather conditions of the city I am living in?
  • Which quality should I settle for?
  • What are the aspects to be considered while choosing a tile?
  • Am I getting the best quality for the money being shelled out?
There are a variety of choices available today from laminated wooden floors, granite, marble, engineered marble, vitrified tiles and mosaic tiles. A city like Bangalore is already very cold and choosing marble or granite could worsen it for you – they tend to be very cold in the winter! Whereas engineered marble is a good mix that is more durable than marble and is better as regards the cooling effect. While a laminated wooden floor is glossy and can look very posh, it is high maintenance and the wood might peel (yes, despite the lamination!) and could make things very ugly. In vitrified tiles too, there are a lot of quality based differences. The ones that have the highest quality are more expensive than engineered marble and more durable and look good too! When you go for a builder like Sowparnika Projects, you can rest assured of good quality choices and value for money.

Workmanship is another important aspect when it comes to flooring; the tiles need to be laid without gaps and in the proper patterns. With experienced and skilled labour, this shouldn’t be a problem as will be the case when you opt for a reputed builder like Sowparnika Projects.
Check out Sowparnika Projects reviews on the internet for more details!